Fashion Dreamer music video and web commercial released

The first steps to becoming a fashion icon

30 October 2023
by rawmeatcowboy 0

Fashion Dreamer is a brand new game where you’ll be able to design, share and make your dream style. The game was previously announced for Switch, and we recently learned it’ll launch Nov. 3rd, 2023 in both Europe and North America. Today, we get to see a music video, web commercial and details on the first steps in our fashion adventure.

If you’re a brand new player, your wardrobe is (naturally) going to be pretty empty at first. But there’s nothing to worry about! The game offers you a selection of clothing items you can use while you work towards acquiring your own. However, whether you get items that will help you fulfill Muses’ requests is another story, and depends on how lucky you are!

In Fashion Dreamer, enter a virtual world of fashion fantasies made real, where coordination and communication mix like never before. Your new life as an influencer awaits!


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