
Toby Fox, developer of DELTARUNE, has released a new newsletter that includes details on plans for DELTARUNE’s final chapters. While we get an overall update for how things are coming along for Chapter 3, we also get a note on the release plans overall, and things have changed considerably.

If you want to see how Chapter 3 is coming along or learn about the altered released plans for DELTARUNE as a whole, you can see the full breakdown from Fox below.


Chapter 3 is pretty much content complete! There will be essentially no more changes to dialogue or gameplay from here. Hooray!

On my birthday, a friend came over to my house and played through the whole thing.

It was very gratifying to see them laugh at all of the stupid jokes we’ve labored over for years. It took a long time to get here, but now it feels like everything will be downhill.

After they completed it, I asked “did anything seem incomplete” and they mentioned that “the bullets seemed kind of hard…”

I nodded and forgot about this feedback immediately.

Obviously, releasing a game takes many more steps than just finishing the gameplay and graphics. But, people are already transitioning back into working on Chapter 4. Everyone is very excited to work on the next part!

When we started Chapter 3, to be honest, it took a lot of trial and error to figure out how it would work. But, with Chapter 4, I already feel very confident about how we can progress.

images of various characters dressed up. Ex. Sans dressed up as a skeleton


The cast of DELTARUNE wearing mismatched costumes

So, now that Chapter 3 is nearing completion… I think it’s a good time to re-discuss how we will release DELTARUNE for purchase.

My original plan was to release Chapter 3, 4, and 5 together. However, the finish line of Chapter 5 is still pretty far off… and I don’t think anybody really wants to wait that long to release anything. Especially me.

So, new strategy: No more waiting for Chapter 5. Instead, we are going to focus on putting DELTARUNE out for purchase once we finish Chapter 4. That should make everything a bit more reasonable!

Chapter 4 already has a very substantial amount of cutscenes and enemy work done. Also, I’ve hired a new producer whose entire job it will be to speed up the overall game development for future chapters. So, I feel very optimistic about the next steps of this project.

That being said though, I think I’m going to pause on more detailed development updates for now. Instead, I’ll just let you guys know if the development is getting close to completion, or if something funny happens.

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