
ConcernedApe, the creator of Stardew Valley, is quite protective of the IP. While there have been some licensed products over the years, there’s really nowhere near the amount of merch and licensing opportunities you’d expect. Just what would it take for ConcernedApe to let loose the keys to the kingdom? Well, when it comes to the world of cinema, there are just two options ConcernedApe would consider.

In an interview with IGN, ConcernedApe spoke about the topic of a Stardew Valley movie. While there’s absolutely nothing in the works right now, the Stardew creator has two names that would instantly get access to the franchise should they want to make a movie…and they’re not names you’d expect.

“If Studio Ghibli approached me, I would probably say okay, let’s do it. If David Lynch approached me and wanted to make a Stardew Valley movie, I would say go ahead, just do it.”


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9M ago

If only Stanley Kubrick were still with us, he might have been just the director.