
Nintendo has announced a new Splatfest for Splatoon 3, and it kicks off on Nov. 18th, 2023. This time around, the focus of the Splatfest is all about how you greet your family, friends and anyone else.

The next Splatfest asks players to pick their go-to greeting for those around them. Do you go with a handshake, fist bump or a hug? You’ve got a few days to figure out where your allegiance lies, and then it’s time to fight for your side on the battlefield!

In Splatoon 3, Splatfests are now hosted by Shiver, Frye, and Big Man of Deep Cut. They all parade through Splatsville for the duration of the Splatfest, which are now a battle between three different teams, each represented by a different member. Each member has their own Splatfest Float, however, they all combine to form one large stage that remains stationary after the Halftime Report. (h/t Splatoonwiki)


Over in Japan, a completely different Splatfest has been announced for the same date. The Splatfest asks Splatoon 3 players what they call the sweet treat above; a Kaiten-yaki, Oban-yaki, or Imagawa-yaki.

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9M ago

Japan got a different splatfest because the ONLY greeting you do there is a perfect 45 angle degree bow for 3.2 seconds followed by profusely apologizing for any inconvenience you may have caused each other.

Interesting though, will the splatfest results for Japan be completely separate, or for instance will team Katien-yaki's wins/losses just be lumped into team handshake's?