A winter storm sweeps through Brawlhalla in Battle Pass Classic 3: Jötunn Winter’s Return. Aurora Brynn rises once more in her mightiest Valkyrie form with her cosmic steed, Midnight, to battle at the World’s End Arena. Uncover new and classic rewards and missions by playing Brawlhalla. All players automatically gain access to the Battle Pass free track and all Weekly Missions with an option to purchase the Gold track for even more rewards.

Put on your fancy clothes and join our eighth anniversary celebration! The seasonal event is almost over, but the party isn’t done yet. Check out the new Artemis & Diana Skins, the new exclusive Sidekick, Podium, and more! Just follow the fancy top hats in Mallhalla. You can read through the full patch notes for the Ver. 8.01 update here.

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