
An update is available for Black Skylands. You can see the patch notes for this update below.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed UI with misplaced marker for big bird nest.
  • Fixed Video options dropdown spacing.
  • Fixed players stuck between switch and lamp in Moth Nest.
  • Fixed font with “Student Notes”.
  • Fixed boarding ship speed boost if a turret was placed into its armor.
  • Fixed items cloning.
  • Fixed Mosquitoes (Falcon ships) flying in circles.
  • Fixed black screen when alt-tabbing during loading.
  • Fixed main menu black screen.
  • Fixed Volcano and Hive weapons not damaging Kraken.
  • Fixed Ship Workshop quest completion.
  • Fixed last swarm weapon mod obtainability.
  • Fixed ship changing bug after death in Raid.
  • Fixed enemies spawning after Big Water Island liberation.
  • Fixed assault rifle respawning on Fathership after reloading.
  • Fixed bug with tiles on Hungry Gardens.
  • Fixed fishing hole interaction bug while jumping nearby.
  • Fixed Kraken not spawning in West Aspya.
  • Fixed Kraken instant revival.
  • Fixed batteries not respawning if not placed in slot.
  • Fixed bug where the player could take 2 items from Fathership’s hold.
  • Fixed bug a discrepancy observed with the max limit of warehouse in gameplay HUD and inventory menu.
  • Fixed turrets stopping shooting.
  • Removed in-active Sleep feature.
  • Fixed estimated recovery bar persistence when dying while using medkit.
  • Fixed Eva’s dialogue & moth event triggering bug when getting close to skyship rubble.
  • Fixed Boss’ flag flying in air during Rhoda fight.
  • Fixed Moth Nest corrupted texture.
  • Fixed final trailer without blur.
  • Fixed Icy Hollow platform not moving Eva.
  • Fixed Raid tile visuals.
  • Fixed swarm sounds in inappropriate places.
  • Fixed ship cannons upgrade bug that only takes effect after teleporting.
  • Fixed Horos eyes and sphere cutscene.
  • Fixed Sleepy Refuge island music.
  • Balance Changes:
  • Rebalanced Mort’s battle.
  • Decreased bow damage and crit multiplier.
  • Increased Horos’ HP.
  • Increased last weapons’ upgrades cost.
  • Increased Golden Revolver damage by 20%.

What’s New:

  • Optimization work.
  • Added a new difficulty level for casual players.
  • Added auto-aim feature depending on difficulty level.
  • Hidden Luma button if unable to use.

Prologue improvements:

  • Prologue dialogue updated.
  • Aron’s box always has an arrow.
  • Box art changed in the ship’s hold.
  • Green zone added for box placement.
  • Assault Rifle weapon change tutorial hint added.

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