The Pokémon Company has partnered with Netflix to produce a brand new stop-motion animated Pokémon series, Pokémon Concierge. We now know that the feature will release worldwide on Dec. 28th, 2023, and today brings us our first full-length trailer for the upcoming series.

This delightful stop-motion animation tells the story of a concierge named Haru, who works at a resort just for Pokémon, and the guests who come to visit. Watch as Haru gradually discovers herself as she and her fellow staff members scramble to attend to the various Pokémon guests.

  • Director: Iku Ogawa
  • Written by: Harumi Doki
  • Concept Art/Character Design: Tadahiro Uesugi
  • Production by: dwarf studios
  • Theme Song: “Have a Good Time Here” by Mariya Takeuchi

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