
Fight ‘N Rage has been updated to Version 1.0.6 on Nintendo Switch. Check out the full patch notes below via developer SebaGamesDev for more details.

  • Statistics: As I always loved transparency, so, now it’s possible to view game statistics (which were already being processed internally from the first version of the game!). So if you are interested in knowing how many times you have been destroyed, or how many times you have destroyed the game (among other things) … you can now access that information! (To do so, you just have to enter to “Extras” section.)
  • Collection of Achievements: Now it is possible to see the achievements of the game in the game itself, without having to look at them via the Steam interface. It seemed to me that this would help to give a feeling of completeness, and could eventually motivate players more in order to achieve all the achievements. =)
  • Easy and better ways to apply mods: For those who enjoy making visual changes in the game (modifying character graphics and / or sounds), I adapted the game in such a way that could be much easier to apply new mods without altering the original files, and therefore … avoid risks of corrupting the game by accident. Now the errors that it will throw when reading incorrect mods (in the new format) will be much more friendly and controlled, so that it is more understandable to work on them and test them without breaking things. At the end of this post, I will explain better how to add mods easily. I’m sure those who enjoy creating / applying their own mods will love it! =)
  • Minimal various performance improvements: That’s something pretty unavoidable when you were continuing working on your own framework. =)
  • A new secret mo… ahem … what am I saying ?: It would be very absurd that after having achieved an endgame and having bought characters 9, 16 and 17 you can access a new game mode, doing something as silly as stopping in the “Arcade Mode” option and hitting such a weird sequence as “back, back, forward, forward” twice, and then “back, forward” four times. I’m talking nonsense … don’t listen to me. =)
  • Finally, I added new costumes for enemies: For some reason, it would be sad if having a 3 player mode where you can also select enemies, there are enemies that only have 2 suits … or that the more enjoyable enemies to play as Diane have few suits available. Don’t you think?

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