The third episode of Pokémon: Paldean Winds, a four-episode original animated web series, is available now on the official Pokémon YouTube channel. The series is produced by WIT STUDIO, the animation studio behind the award-winning Pokémon: Hisuian Snow web series. Pokémon: Paldean Winds is set in the Paldea region and tells the story of three academy students—Ohara, Aliquis, and Hohma—as they pursue their respective dreams.

With Ohara and Aliquis working hard on their assignment, Hohma is left wondering how he can catch up to them when he comes up with a great idea: creating a piece on the infamous Team Star! Together with Quaxly, Hohma decides to get the inside scoop and infiltrate one of the group’s bases.

Check out the third episode on YouTube, and don’t forget to keep an eye out for information about future episodes of Pokémon: Paldean Winds.

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