
Back on Sept. 26th, 2023, the official X account for PlatinumGames has revealed that Hideki Kamiya was leaving the company on Oct. 12th, 2023. This was rather shocking news, as not only has Kamiya been a driving force in many of Platinum’s franchises, he’s also the vice president of the studio. No replacement for Kamiya has been named in the wake of his departure.

Following that, in a nearly 10-minute debut feature, Hideki Kamiya kicked off his YouTube Channel with a video detailing his departure from PlatinumGames. Today, Kamiya brings us yet another video, and in this one we hear about his desire to work on two more classic franchises he has ties to.

Capcom fans from the GameCube/PS2/Xbox era would love to see the company revive a few of their classic IP from those days, and that definitely includes both Okami and Viewtiful Joe. Those titles were made by Capcom and the now-defunct Clover Studio, of which Kamiya was a big part. Now that Kamiya is no longer with PlatinumGames, he’s thinking it might be possible to return to those IP once more.

“Of course, I’d love to work on them if I ever get a chance. I actually had the story for a third Viewtiful Joe all thought out. I’ve always wanted to make it. I wonder if Capcom would let me make another Viewtiful Joe… Okami, too. I feel like I left that unfinished, so if we could make that happen as well, I’d be happy.”

[Hideki Kamiya]

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6M ago

The Viewtiful Joe games never even got ported to newer platform, did they?


6M ago

We know little to nothing about his third and last super hero project but it I'm sure it got canned when he left. Maybe he can do something with those ideas when he starts up anew.

There's a lot of talent at Platinum, but when their VP and one of the lead people suddenly leaves it's cause for concern about them. They have made some real bad decisions, at least one big one.

He says that Bayonetta will live on without him and I believe that since it's their biggest IP, but wonder if they cherish Kamiya's dear, sweet child like he did. Maybe, looking at the end of 3, it's better to just leave it, but it's a money-maker.

Time will tell, of course.