
Today marks the 6th anniversary of the release of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, originally released on December 1st, 2017. To commemorate this special occasion, Masatsugu Saito, the game’s lead artist, has released a new artwork featuring Pyra.

Alongside this, PROCYON STUDIO has released a couple of music sample videos on X, reminding everyone of the rich and diverse soundtrack that the game offers with links on where you can buy the soundtrack both physically and digitally.

About znbashi


Just someone who spent most of his childhood playing Smash Bros with my brother, which led me to explore more games. Favorite franchises include Xenoblade and Kirby.

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Comments (2)


8M ago

Still the best single player game on the Switch in my opinion. Xenoblade 2 is an absolute masterpiece.


8M ago

Im suprised people mentions the game, but not the Ardanian soldier, that got to live such a short time after this games release!