
All the way back in May 2021, Square Enix revealed that they were working on an HD-2D remake of Dragon Quest III. Following that announcement, an update from the team in Dec. 2022 said that everyone was working hard to bring the project to fruition.

9+ months later, we got another status update from the devs when Dragon Quest creator Yuji Horii mentioned that development was progressing quite steadily. Sadly, outside of that quick comment, no other remarks on the game were made.

Today brings us yet another update, and somewhat frustratingly, it’s another modest report. Horii again shared comment on the remake, saying that he recently spent time at Square Enix playtesting the title. Apparently he was at the studio until 10 PM playing, so it seems there was quite a lot of the game to see.

Hopefully we get a more concrete update on the game’s progress in the near future, along with some sort of word on when to expect its release.

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