
The Pokémon Super Music Collection initiative offers Pokémon fans a way to enjoy their favorite soundtracks from the Pokémon franchise. Today, Pokémon Co. has announced that three more soundtracks are on their way to the Pokémon Super Music Collection early next year.

The Pokémon Super Music Collection will be adding the soundtracks for Pokémon Sword & Shield, Pokémon Legends: Arceus and Pokémon Scarlet & Violet in Japan come Feb. 27th, 2023. These will be released on CD, with the breakdown of each album below:

  • Pokémon Sword & Shield’s soundtrack contains 142 tracks across 4 CDs
  • Pokémon Legends: Arceus’ soundtrack contains 110 tracks across 4 CDs
  • Pokémon Scarlet & Violet soundtrack contains 208 tracks across 6 CDs

There’s no word on streaming details or a release outside of Japan at this time, but we’ll bring you that information if/when it becomes available.

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8M ago

.................just a couple of weeks after I decicided to get the soundtracks...elsewhere.
I'll buy them anyway. Gen 4 remake next pls!