
Hodgepodge Hunch has been updated to Ver. 1.1.0. You can see the patch notes for this update below.

  • Adjusted the timing of the intermediate spy quiz
  • Adjusted the probability of finding R amulets (R curses) before and after the intermediate spy quiz
  • Adjusted the probability of which reward you get when you answer correctly in the intermediate spy quiz
  • Changed the text of the rusty shovel
  • Quiz questions no longer target CPU clerks if the CPU is a spy
  • CPU spies no longer select only certain players for curses
  • CPU clerks are now less likely to curse informants the day after a dark pot and are more suspicious of other players who have been cursed
  • CPU clerks now place a higher value on having the same player as the other players when deciding who to vote for
  • CPU clerks now place a higher value on the most recently visited location when deciding where to vote
  • CPU clerks are less likely to collect amulets that are meaningless even if they have more than one

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