Afterimage has received the ‘Trio in the Sea’ free content update, which introduces two new characters: Karsa and 42. Karsa is an adventurer who is skilled in sword fighting. He can enter a unique “Flowing Stance”, and releases dazzling sword skills by continuously consuming MP. 42 is a mighty caster and she always destroys her enemies with her iconic Crystalization Spells.

The full patch notes for this Trio in the Sea update can be found below.

Major Updates

  • The “Trial of Soul” mode now introduces a new character, Karsa.
  • The “Trial of Soul” mode now offers character selection. After unlocking, you can freely choose between Renee, 42, and Karsa to challenge this mode.

Quality of Life Updates

  • Added game difficulty options, you can now select “normal” and “advanced” difficulty when starting the game (The advanced difficulty is the default difficulty of the previous version).
  • Fixed an issue where the third normal attack of character “42” sometimes could not be released normally.
  • Updated post color adjustment of certain levels.
  • Adjusted some UI animation effects.

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