Atooi Headquarters has been working hard to create a special gift for horror fans this holiday season. Dementium: The Ward has been updated on Nintendo Switch with a HI-RES display mode option, which enables players to view all of the delightful gore the game has to offer at a crisp 1080P on their televisions (and 720P handheld) - while still running at a silky smooth 60 frames per second.

Whereas before, Dementium: The Ward offered only a RETRO display mode, which presented a cozy, crunchy retro style (essentially emulating the Nintendo 3DS display at 240P), this free update to the game takes full advantage of every pixel on the screen to excellent effect.

Players can simply pause the game during gameplay to view the options menu and then cycle through the various display options available: RETRO, RETRO CRT, HI-RES, HI-RES CRT.

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7M ago

Pretty silly that it didn't launch with that option. While they're at it, add gyro aiming and maybe I'll buy.