Terra Nil now available on Switch

A chill, meditative strategy experience

18 December 2023
by rawmeatcowboy 0

Game Award-nominated environmental strategy game Terra Nil is out TODAY on Nintendo Switch for $24.99 - with a 20% launch discount available for two weeks.

Developed by South Africa’s own Free Lives (Broforce, Gorn, Anger Foot), Terra Nil is a chill, meditative strategy experience. Using advanced eco-tech you’ll transform desolate, barren wastelands into thriving, vibrant ecosystems. Soil will be purified, oceans cleansed, trees planted and wildlife reintroduced as you turn a dead world into a living one—then clean everything up and leave without any trace you were ever there.

There are four very different, replayable, procedurally generated biomes to tackle in the game including volcanic glaciers, ruined cities and tropical islands. Each has its own uniquely challenging climate, geology, flora and fauna. Create swamps, rainforests, rivers and more to watch a dry, cracked landscape suddenly explode with life and color.

Previously only available on PC and mobile via Netflix, today’s release marks Terra Nil’s debut on the Nintendo Switch: the perfect platform for nature restoration on the move.

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