Switch hits 3 million sold in Spain

3 million strong...and growing!

20 December 2023
by rawmeatcowboy 2

The Switch continues to chip away at milestones around the world, showing that the system has some serious legs. Yet another one of those milestones has been achieved in Spain, and just ahead of the holiday season.

With the most recent round of sales data accounted for, we now know that the Switch has reached 3 million units sold in Spain. The Switch has ushered in franchise-best sales for numerous Nintendo IP in Spain since its launch, and now the Switch itself reaches new heights.

The latest million check-in with the Switch in Spain came back in Oct. 2021, which is when the platform reached 2 million units sold. Thanks to yet another robust holiday lineup, the Switch’s momentum continues and the sales keep piling on!

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7M ago


"3 million strong...and growing!"

Must be taking some kind of vitamins or something.