
While some people might feel that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has fallen off, there’s no denying it was an incredible success for its roughly 15 year run. For the large bulk of its run, the MCU brought in hit after hit, reaching billions in revenue and the pinnacle of the entertainment zeitgeist. Now it seems Illumination might have an interest in doing something similar, but with Nintendo.

Hollywood industry insider @DanielRPK is claiming that Illumination has reached out to Nintendo concerning the idea of a Smash Bros. movie. Just like the MCU, the plan would be to release standalone movies for Nintendo characters and franchises, and then things would culminate in a Smash Bros. film that brings everyone together.

Obviously Nintendo and Illumination aren’t going to comment on this matter, so this is all just hearsay and speculation for now. That said, DanielRPK has been proven to be an insider in the know in the past, as he’s leaked all sorts of verified information, including the entirety of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever before it released. That doesn’t mean his Smash Bros. movie info is 100% legit, but there’s certainly a chance.

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Comments (16)


7M ago

Master Hand: Let me tell you about the Smash Bros. initiative.


7M ago

It would need to be like Roger Rabbit or that Chip and Dale movie where most of the characters are background extras. Trying to balance more than a normal size cast through franchise building has too shaky a track record outside the first three MCU phases.


7M ago

Taking a page from DC and not having the patience to properly establish a cinematic universe, eh?


7M ago


Didn’t even the read the body of the post no?

“Just like the MCU, the plan would be to release standalone movies for Nintendo characters and franchises, and then things would culminate in a Smash Bros. film that brings everyone together.”


7M ago

As long as EVERYONE is voiced by Chris Pratt. I'M IN!



7M ago

Don’t get me wrong, this would be awesome. But I’d rather no movie if they went with the tired old ‘female character is invincible and invulnerable’ and male characters are all second rate silly billies.


7M ago


I didn’t have “movies based on video games threaten my fragile masculinity” on my Gonintendo bingo card.


7M ago


Geez, you're ruthless today.


7M ago

This could perhaps even work. I'm oddly for this if they can make it something real unique which I think they could if Nintendo keeps their iron fist on it!

But let's first see how the Zelda movie pans out...


7M ago

I want it. But not by Illumination... The Mario movie wasn't great and way too childish. Sakurai should direct it.


7M ago


There can only be one bingo winner 🥇


7M ago


"and way too childish."

It's kind of meant for families and, you know, children.

If this happens I am pretty sure Sakurai would be a part of it since Smash Bros.. his child. Also SMahs has a PEGI 12 rating, not for everyone tyope of rating like Mario games.


7M ago

I hope they don't do it. The Marvel cinematic universe was fool's gold for so many other studios, and a severe financial blow for every one that tried. And now even the MCU is losing money and making an embarrassment of its heroes.

Just try your best to make good individual movies for Nintendo characters, Illumination. If you defy the odds and do a good job, THEN we can talk about putting them together.


7M ago


Something can be for kids and everyone without being too childish. I didn't even say it shouldn't be childish but TOO.


7M ago


Doesn't seem like it's TOO childish for the kids, from what I hear. They seem to love it. Most parents I have talked to and read comments from agree to that.

Anyway, as I said, Smash is different. HAs some age ratings and all, so I don't think it would be too childish.


7M ago


Haha, too childish for kids doesn't make sense. I meant in general, to me, to adults and everyone.
Yeah at least there's that... but I have other concerns, I care way more about Smash than Mario.