
Earlier this week, the Pokémon Company and Netflix released a brand new stop-motion animated Pokémon series, Pokémon Concierge. As long as you have a Netflix account, you’re able to hop on the service and stream to your heart’s content. Turns out you can also spruce up your profile as well.

Alongside the release of Pokémon Concierge, Netflix has given users a slew of new profile icons to choose from. As you can see above, there are 22 different icons to grab, all of them featuring characters straight from Pokémon Concierge. There are a number of Pokémon in general that you can use, along with characters specific to Pokémon Concierge. You’ll have to watch the 4-episode series to find out more about them!

Pokémon Concierge is a delightful stop-motion animation tells the story of a concierge named Haru, who works at a resort just for Pokémon, and the guests who come to visit. Watch as Haru gradually discovers herself as she and her fellow staff members scramble to attend to the various Pokémon guests.

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7M ago

A Bulbasaur icon? I'm conflicted between my love of Bulbasaur and my hatred of Netflix.