
We were all sad to see that 2024 kicked off with a devastating earthquake in the Noto Peninsula of Japan. Nearly 250 people remain missing, and even worse, 92 people lost their lives due to the event. Thousands are currently displaced because of the natural disaster, and now Pokémon Co. is stepping in to help.

The Pokémon Co. started the “Pokémon with You” Foundation back in 2011 to offer relief to victims of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. Ever since that disastrous event, Pokémon with You has been offering funding and other support to those impacted by natural disasters.

Pokémon Co. has shared their deepest sympathies for those affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake, and now they’re pledging to help. The Pokémon with You Foundation will donate 50 million yen (roughly 345k) to support organizations that help those affected by the disaster, and also help restore the affected areas. Additionally, through the Pokémon With You Foundation, Pokémon Co. will continue to carry out activities to help children affected by the disaster “regain their smiles.”

Pokémon Co. says they are sincerely praying for the earliest possible recovery and reconstruction of the disaster-stricken areas.

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7M ago

This is good. This is nice. It's nice to see these sort of programs doing good work. There's sure to be some snark but I don't care. Charity is a community effort and I hope those children get thier smiles back soon.