
Earlier today, Nintendo officially announced that a live-action film based on the Legend of Zelda series will soon begin development. The film will be directed by Wes Ball who is known for the Maze Runner movies, as well as the upcoming Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes and Mouse Guard.

The Zelda movie will be co-financed by Nintendo and Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., with Nintendo providing over 50% of the total financing. Shigeru Miyamoto will be a producer on the film along with Avi Arad, who has produced many Marvel movies for Fox and Sony over the past two decades. Last but not least, its been reported that Derek Connolly is penning the adaptation. Connolly has worked on multiple entries in the Jurassic Park franchise, and also did screenwriting for Detective Pikachu.

While we wait for more concrete info on the film, it seems Sony is more than willing to get people pumped for the project. At the 2024 Consumer Electronics Show, Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida told those in attendance that the movie would be, “an amazing tale of adventure and discovery.”

There’s no doubt hype is high for the movie, but hype can only take you so far. With 10 years worth of work already put into getting the movie off the ground, there’s surely some specifics Nintendo can share without spoiling too much. Hopefully we get to hear at least a few of those tidbits in 2024.

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7M ago

CEO who wants your money hypes thing to get your money :)