
Some games are destined for remakes while others are not. More often than not, we see a game remade due to its popularity from when it first launched. Unfortunately, some beloved titles won’t ever get a chance to be remade, and sadly it seems Final Fantasy VI is one of them. That’s not due to a lack of a desire on the dev team’s part, but instead, a lack of time.

Final Fantasy VI director Yoshinori Kitase has revealed that he’s asked all the time about a potential remake for Final Fantasy VI. Unfortunately, Kitase says a remake simply isn’t feasible for the title, and it’s due to the amount of characters and content featured in the original release.

Kitase went on to say that should Square Enix try to tackle a remake of Final Fantasy VI in the style of Final Fantasy VII’s revamp, it would take them around 20 years to accomplish. Final Fantasy VII’s remake series is going to take about 10 years when all is said and done, and when you look at the content in Final Fantasy VI, a remake would easily double that amount of development time.

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While I'm sure there are people out there that would love a FFVII Remake style FFVI Remake I think most people just want an HD 2D conversion at this point, or even 3D in the style of Bravely or the DS Final Fantasy games (just in HD).


6M ago

While I'm sure there are people out there that would love a FFVII Remake style FFVI Remake I think most people just want an HD 2D conversion at this point, or even 3D in the style of Bravely or the DS Final Fantasy games (just in HD).

Yeah, he's presuming we want something bloated, rewritten, and stretched out over multiple releases like the FF7 remake. Personally, I'd prefer the Bravely Default style like you mentioned, and would happily settle for the HD 2D conversion.

We fans of classic Final Fantasy will just have to get used to Pixel Remasters and the classic cartridges we've collected. But I think in some ways that's better than what Square Enix considers a "Remake". There are some aspects of classic Final Fantasy that I don't want modernized.


6M ago

SquareEnix has completely lost the plot with their remakes. That is not even remotely what most fans even want with a Final Fantasy 6 remake. Just give it some more modern visuals and keep all the gameplay the same as the original. Not everything needs to be AAAAA budget nonsense.

HD 2D wouldn't even look different enough to justify its existence. FF6 already has some of the best looking pixel art out there, and HD 2D is still just pixel art with a 3D spin on it. A FF6 remake needs to be full 3D is make it different enough. Doesn't need to be insane FF7 Remake levels, just a modest budget to give the game a modern coat of paint.


6M ago

"...should Square Enix try to tackle a remake of Final Fantasy VI in the style of Final Fantasy VII’s revamp, it would take them around 20 years to accomplish."

Well, the sooner you get started on it the sooner it'll be finished. =P But yeah, I can see that there's a lot of content to cover in VI and that a project that huge is gonna require a ton of resources, thus, being a big financial risk.

Anywho, like rick-fil-a suggested, I'd be happy with a 3D conversion in the style of BD or the DS FF games.