
Everyone wants to know what Nintendo is going to offer for the Switch successor. There are all sorts of rumors flying around and inside sources claiming knowledge, but the final word obviously comes from Nintendo, and they’re not making a peep. Still, investors, analysts and more will continue to try and glean details from various sources, which leads us to today’s statement from EA.

EA just hosted their most recent earnings call, in which Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson talked about a number of topics. At one point Wilson was asked about EA’s position on the Switch successor, and not surprisingly, Wilson wouldn’t share specifics. He did share a general statement about next-gen hardware in general and you can read it in full below. (h/t VGC)

“I can absolutely not comment on anything that has not been announced, or acknowledge it in any way. What I would say however is, to the extent that platforms over the course of the last 20 years [have] offered improved CPU, GPU, memory, battery life, screen resolution… to the extent that those things have happened, where we’re able to deliver more immersion for our players, particularly around our biggest franchises like FC, like Madden, like Apex, like Battlefield… that has typically been very good for our business.

“Our players’ ability to really experience our games at the highest level has typically worked out very well for us. So without commenting at all about anything around Nintendo or Switch, I would just say new platforms are good for us, and when new improvements offer improved [power], that is typically a plus for our portfolio of games and the communities that play them.”

[Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson]

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6M ago

Sims 4 for Switch 2 confirmed!