
If cold winter days leave you feeling blue, journey to the place where you can be yourself, an island paradise filled with Pokémon and warm vibes. Pokémon Concierge is a stop-motion animated series that debuted on Netflix on December 28, 2023. The show is set at the Pokémon Resort, where a rookie concierge named Haru tries to adjust to her new life and role in an island paradise with no routines. Bid bon voyage to boredom and dreary winter weather with this Pokémon Concierge quiz that tests your knowledge of this four-episode series.

Think you’ve got what it takes to work at the Pokémon Resort? Prove it by taking the Pokémon Concierge quiz. Answer each question and tally up your correct answers to see how you did at the end of the quiz.

There are 12 questions in all, and the quiz shouldn’t take too long if you’ve already made your way through Pokémon Concierge. If you’re up for the challenge, you can take the quiz here.

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