
Many have been wondering if Nintendo or Pokémon Company were going to take any sort of legal action against the developers of Palworld, as ever since the game has been revealed, plenty of gamers have found the creature designs to be too close to those of Pokémon. While both Nintendo and Pokémon Co. have shared blanket statements about protecting their I.P., no official legal moves have been made…or so we thought.

There’s currently a rumor floating around about Nintendo of America issuing a DMCA takedown for a fan-made t-shirt sporting artwork of Sparkit from Palworld. You can see what Sparkit looks like above, which certainly conjures up comparisons to Pikachu, but I personally believe the designs to be more than different enough.

Nevertheless, the person behind the Sparkit fan-made shirt shared an image showing a DMCA notice that was apparently issued by Nintendo. Now, you all know how the internet works, so this could be nothing more than someone out there trying to get some clout. If that’s not the case and this is a legit notice from Nintendo, it seems Palworld’s creators could be in for some very interesting days ahead.

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5M ago

I'm not sure I believe this one; Nintendo has no say in this one (although if they did, I'd say it looks closer to Electabuzz X Meowth)


5M ago

I suspect a false flag so that more people check out Palworld via the Streisand Effect.