
It feels like Nintendo fans have really been through the ringer with the latest round of Nintendo Direct rumors. We’ve heard of a Direct supposedly coming our way for weeks and weeks now, but Nintendo hasn’t made a peep. Now yet again we have more rumors, but this round comes from one of the most trustworthy sources out there.

Pyoro, an extremely reliable leaker of all things Nintendo, is claiming that a Nintendo Direct is indeed coming our way next week. Unfortunately, there’s a bit of a catch. This apparently isn’t going to be the full-fat Direct of your dreams, but instead, a Nintendo Direct mini: Partner Showcase. That means the focus will be on third party efforts rather than Nintendo’s titles.

We’ve heard a couple times now that this Direct might not be a traditional one, but with Pyoro jumping on board to share his insider info, it seems like a Direct mini is indeed the way things will end up. I guess we’ll all find out for sure come next week!

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5M ago

While I'm not surprised....people are gonna be

I still have quite the backlog to get to on Switch, so I'm fine with the delay. I'll just focus on beating Pikmin 4 fully, playing through SM:RPG, and finally getting around to playing Mario Wonder before Paper Mario TTYD remake comes out.

Plus I should probably play Origami King and Advance Wars too....and not let them sit in my backlog forever.


5M ago

IF there’s some sort of Switch 2 announcement in the next couple months then it would make sense not to invest in a full Direct. Any software news is going to be overshadowed by hardware news at this point. We’re in the quiet, end-of-cycle period either way.

cheesus 2

5M ago

I can't think of any third party game for Switch I would be excited about, unless it was a new Banjo-Kazoooe or something