RUMOR: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 to feature Maria Robotnik

How do you solve a problem like Maria?

16 February 2024
by rawmeatcowboy 1

Just a few weeks back, we got the fantastic news that Jim Carrey would be reprising his role as Dr. Robotnik for Sonic the Hedgehog 3. While Carrey said he was bowing out of the franchise after the second installment, it’s clear the powers that be wooed him back for one more outing. That said, it seems he won’t be the only Robotnik hitting the silver screen this time.

Alyla Browne is part of Sonic the Hedgehog 3, and she’s taken to her Instagram account to tease fans with her role. While the details haven’t been officially announced, you can see Alyla in the image above, and she happens to be sitting in a chair with the name Maria on it. That same chair as the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 logo on the back, making it pretty much a lock that Browne will be playing Maria Robotnik in the third movie.

Maria Robotnik is the granddaughter of Gerald Robotnik and the cousin of Dr. Eggman. Born and raised on the Space Colony ARK, Maria suffered from a terminal illness that made her unable to leave the place of her birth and go down to earth. To save Maria, Gerald worked on Project Shadow in hopes of finding a cure for her. Gerald’s research produced Shadow the Hedgehog, with whom Maria became close friends. When G.U.N. later shut down the ARK, Maria was killed by a GUN Soldier while trying to assist Shadow in his escape from the colony. Her passing had a big impact on Shadow’s psyche and proved to be an event that would strongly influence the fate of the world in the decades that followed. (h/t Fandom)

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is set to arrive in theaters December 20th, 2024. That means we’ve still got roughly 10 months to whittle away until we see Sonic back on the big screen. Hopefully we get to see plenty more about the film as we count down to launch!

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5M ago

I mean, they cant really do a Shadow story without Maria, so this is not surprising at all. Also, is this really a rumor when she is can't give it away any more blatantly than this?

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