Developed by Free Lives (Terra Nil, Broforce, Genital Jousting), mobile smash hit Cricket Through the Ages is now making its way to Switch. Swing bats and throw balls through the intertwined histories of humankind and cricket in this tongue-in-cheek, physics-driven ode to hitting things with wood.

Over a thousand years ago, the human race teetered on the edge of extinction. Our ancestors were helpless against the mighty behemoths of the land. And then, salvation. The game of cricket was invented.

  • Enjoy cricket through the miracle of a simple, one-button control scheme.
  • Play through six unique game modes, solo or against a friendly rival.
  • Learn about the totally real history of cricket. You won’t believe it.

Go alone, or take a friend, on a journey through the rich and 100% accurate history of the sport in Cricket Through the Ages, launching on Switch March 1st, 2024.

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