
For as much as we know about The Pokémon Company, there’s so much more we don’t. The company is always working on the next big thing for the Pokémon brand, and that often times means much more than games. Wondering what’s next for the world of Pokémon? We’re not quite sure, but we do know that The Pokémon Company is up to something.

It’s been discovered that The Pokémon Company has established a new subsidiary, which is called Pokémon Works. (h/t VGC) This company will be housed within the same building as ILCA, which is where Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl were built. We also know that ILCA has had close ties to Bandai Namco in the past.

Unfortunately, that’s all we know about Pokémon Works for the time being, as no details have leaked about just what the company will be doing. Whatever it is, it seems important enough for Pokémon Co. to open a brand-new subsidiary, so it’s likely something rather substantial will come of it. Now whether that means games or an expanded reach project, only time will tell.


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5M ago

Hopefully this is a big improvement on Pokemon Doesn’t Work.


5M ago


I almost went with a similar joke for the subtitle!