The developers at Star Drifters invite players to the world of Driftland - a magical realm set on floating islands above a desolated globe. The studio has presented 15 minutes of gameplay from First Dwarf and you can watch it above.

In First Dwarf, players become Tru— a dwarven explorer who sets out to build colonies on the floating islands of Driftland. Shipwrecked Tru must prepare for the dangers of the sky-high land, building defenses and infrastructure for the future colonists. Fortunately, with dwarven engineering skills, he can repair and pilot a powerful mech, which proves itself in combat, gathering resources and building. With various upgrades, this pinnacle of fantasy tech will eventually become the ultimate exploration machine. The mech’s offensive arsenal will also come in handy, as the uncharted lands are inhabited by mysterious creatures hostile to the dwarven newcomers.

But the gigantic mech is not enough to uncover all the mysteries of Driftland. Ragna, a she-dragon, is a playable companion who aids Tru in his quest. Her small size, ability to fly, and breathe fire make her a great addition to the dwarven skills of the protagonist. The game can be played in co-op (split screen and online) with each protagonist doing their job.

Building a colony and managing the settlers is another part of Tru’s job. With tower defense mechanisms, the settlement can be prepared for the worst. But it’s not all about survival —Tru will have to balance and fulfill the needs of new inhabitants, providing them with resources, shelter, and entertainment to boost their happiness. Only a prosperous society will allow our protagonist to pursue his own personal goal—discovering what evil taints these lands and what happened to the previous dwarven expeditions, including the one led by his father.


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