VoxPop Games Inc. today announced the indie horror hit Outer Terror is coming to Switch today for $10. Released on PC last year to critical acclaim, Outer Terror was most recently nominated by the New York Video Games Critics Circle as the year’s “Best Hidden Gem” and will be VoxPop’s first game to arrive on consoles.

In Outer Terror you’ll choose from 10 unique survivors each with their own persona tied weapons and special skill attacks to rage through relentless waves of otherworldly terrors. Whether playing solo or co-op, each playthrough of Outer Terror will give players a different experience with randomized weapons and upgrade choices, enemy patterns, and areas of the map. You thought that safe zone would be in the same spot as last time? Think again, you’ll have to slaughter your way through enemies to find it with each playthrough.

The game is packed to the gills in Lovecraftian evil. It’s brutal, campy and surreal. It’s a well-crafted homage to the golden age of horror comics and the B-movies of the 80’s and 90’s. It’s Outer Terror from VoxPop Games and console publisher, Ratalaika Games S.L. are getting ready to knock your socks off.

Each volume in Outer Terror brings a new storyline and gameplay scenario, with each run, along with increasing difficulty reminding players, DON’T DIE, in what feels as if they’ve jumped right onto the pages of a living comic book.

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