
The Success company has been around since 1978, and they’ve worked on countless videogames throughout the years. The company is indeed still going strong, and they’ve just found quite an audience for their hamster-themed titles.

Success has revealed that they’re opening a ‘hamster division’ within their company, and it currently includes 18 members. This division is going to steer the direction of future hamster-themed titles, as this genre has been quite successful for the company in recent months.

In particular, the hamster-raising game Tales of Djungarian Hamster for Switch has been a big hit. Success said the title has earned tens of millions of yen for the company, through both a digital and retail option in Japan. Success said this title in particular has sold much better than their other simulation games, and continues to bring in sales through the digital version.

Success didn’t reveal any hamster games in development, but there’s no doubt the team is working on some right now. We’ll bring you any Switch-related reveals as they come in!

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