If there’s a skin or two in SMITE that you missed out on getting and have been longing for a second chance to do so, now’s the time to do so! You can get a number of classic SMITE skins with the Blast from the Past Battle Pass, and all of them are showcased in the video above.

Along with that, there’s also a Blast from the Pass Gem Sale and other goodies, which are all detailed below.

Gem Sale

  • May 16 – 30: Save up to 33% on Gems!


  • May 16 & 17: 2x XP
  • May 18 & 19: 2x Favor
  • May 20 – 22: 2x Worshipers
  • May 23 & 24: 3x XP
  • May 25 & 26: 3x Favor -May 27 – 30: 3x Worshipers


  • Voice Packs and Account Items are 50% off during the entire event!
  • The Original Gangsta Chest is 25% off during the entire event!
  • May 17 – 26: All of the Class Chests will be rotating in the Store at 40% off during the event. Be sure to check in frequently to see what’s available!

Other Chests on Sale throughout the event

  • May 16 – 19: Aquatic Revenger 25% off
  • May 16 – 19: Oni Hunter Chest 10% off
  • May 24 – 26: Twisted Joke Chest 25 % off
  • May 27 – 30: Gravemaker Chest 10% off
  • May 27 – 30: Fighting Machine Chest 25% off
  • May 27 – 30: 1,000 Fathoms Chest 25% off

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