
Some Nintendo fans know that the Big N and Amazon have had trouble getting along in the past. There have been numerous occasions where first-party Nintendo games haven’t been available on Amazon’s storefront, and we never got a clear-cut answer as to why. We recently had reason to believe the two companies were bickering once again as Amazon cancelled a wave of Switch game pre-orders, and today brings us even more proof that the two aren’t getting along.

While you can hop on Amazon right now and purchase Nintendo eShop cards, you can only do it through third party resellers. Amazon used to offer eShop cards directly, but without any warning or explanation, that option has disappeared from their online shop. Again, you can still fulfill your eShop card needs on Amazon, but you have to go with third party options, and obviously some of those aren’t nearly as trustworthy as Amazon itself.

We’ve reached out to Nintendo for comment on this matter, but it’s unlikely we’ll get any sort of explanation. Nintendo and Amazon always stay quiet when they’re in a tiff, and then eventually the two work things out. Let’s hope they come to a resolution soon and eShop cards return to Amazon proper in the very near future.

UPDATE: We have received comment from Nintendo of America on this situation, but unfortunately it doesn’t offer any insight as to what’s going on. Nintendo’s complete statement on the matter is as follows:

We have nothing to announce on this topic.

We have also reached out to Amazon to try and get clarification on this matter. Should they share a statement with us, we’ll make sure to update this post again.

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Comments (2)


2M ago

Please... PLEASE don't let it affect my Metroid Prime 4 pre-order....


2M ago

There's always Play Asia.