
We’re very sad to report that Rachael Lillis, a veteran voice actor who lent her talents to Misty and Jesse from the Pokémon anime, as well as Jigglypuff in Smash Bros., has been diagnosed with cancer. In the fight against cancer, Lillis’ medical bills have been growing exponentially, and now her family is calling out to fans around the world to lend a helping hand.

Rachael Lillis is currently in a nursing home facility in Los Angeles, and she’s been there since late January. Lillis is in particular need of a personal nurse who can help her with day-to-day necessities such as eating, cleaning and more. As securing an in-home aid like this can be quite costly, Rachael’s sister has launched a GoFundMe to get some help.

While this is a sad situation, it’s great to see that so many fans have reached out to help. The GoFundMe had a goal of $20k, but it’s already more than doubled that amount. Of course, you can still kick in some cash to make sure Lillis gets all the help she needs and more. If you’d like to donate, you can do so through this link.

Thanks to all who sent this in for the heads up!

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2M ago

You know what would be cool? A working health care system in America.

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