
Ever since Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door was announced for Switch, fans have been wondering about one character in particular. Today, with review coverage hitting the internet, we finally have our answer.

In the original GameCube release for Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door in Japan, Vivian was presented as a trans woman. In localizations for the title, such as the release here in the states, that information was completely removed from the game. Many were curious to see what Nintendo would do with Vivian in the Switch remake, and we now know the details.

In the English version of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door on Switch, the dialog now closely matches that of the original Japan release, thus pointing to Vivian being trans. In particular, Vivian, can be seen saying “it took me a while to realize I was their sister…not their brother,” in reference to her siblings.

Obviously Vivian doesn’t come right out to say that she’s trans, but with the original dialog restored, it makes it all the more clear what Nintendo’s intentions with the character were.

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Comments (4)

mock turtle

2M ago

It's a wonderful day for queer representation in media!


2M ago

I'm so glad they reverted to the story to the original context from the Japanese game. It makes a difference, and it should be celebrated!


2M ago

Fuck yeah baby! Trans rights!!


2M ago

What a world this is

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