Publisher Ysbryd Games and developer Brlka have announced LOVE ETERNAL for Swtich, and it’s set to arrive sometime in 2025. You can see the debut trailer for this title above.

Teenagers have plenty to deal with, but Maya has more to fuel her anger than her peers. Between alienation from her family, a recent squabble with her friend Lacey, and her recent abduction at the hands of an ancient god, Maya has a horrific journey ahead of her. Traverse the god’s terrarium, manipulate gravity through a puzzle-filled Castle, chase down and confront her captor, and escape this lonesome fate.

Bend gravity to Maya’s will, amplifying her agility to leap through the challenging chambers throughout The Castle’s labyrinth. Swiftly jump gaping chasms, deadly spikes, scalding lasers, and more with precise springs and flips in a precise platforming experience. Stay wary of the god’s watchful eye, lest reality shifts underfoot.

Navigate eerie and atmospheric Iron Age landscapes, from ruined castle structures to deep sea caverns to a dark reflection of Maya’s own home, listening to the unsettling tones echoing through the time-worn structures. Face uncanny encounters with Maya’s family, Lacey, and other wandering prisoners to uncover the god’s true motivations.

Love Eternal will leap onto Switch with English, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, Spanish, and Russian language support.

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