Luigi's Mansion 2 HD adds in a Nintendo DS for navigation

Touching (and ghost catching) is good

11 June 2024
by rawmeatcowboy 1

Luigi’s Mansion 2, or Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon as it was originally called in the states, made its debut on the 3DS back in 2013. Now, over 10 years later, Nintendo and Next Level are giving the game a second lease on life with a Switch revamp. Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD is hitting Switch June 27th, 2024, and it turns out the devs have thrown in something extra special for this remaster.

Having two screens for Luigi’s Mansion 2 made navigation a breeze, but obviously the Switch can’t do that. What’s the solution for the remaster? Well, Nintendo and Next Level have gone in and given Luigi another piece of tweaked Nintendo history. In the original Luigi’s Mansion, Professor E. Gadd gives Luigi a “Game Boy Horror,” a Game Boy Color device that he uses to help navigate the mansion. Now in Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD, E. Gadd has come up with a custom Nintendo DS.

Luigi can use the modified Nintendo DS to view a map screen up close and personal, although there is a mini-map on the main gameplay screen as well. It’s not as elegant as the 3DS’ two-screen solution, but it’s the best you can do with a one screen display. Plus, it’s nice to see the modified Nintendo hardware tradition continue in Luigi’s Mansion. That E. Gadd never stops coming up with interesting ideas!

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1M ago

I don't know if you know this but it's not new it was already in the game