Nintendo sends out wave of DMCA takedowns for game mods

No one escapes Nintendo's ever-watchful eye

11 June 2024
by rawmeatcowboy 1

While Nintendo is always going after ROMS, emulators and game mods, they’ve been busier than ever in 2024. The Big N has had many successful takedowns of what they view as harmful or illegal content, and now they’re on the prowl once again to squash fan activity.

Nintendo has apparently issued more than 60 DMCA takedowns, and all of them are aimed at a site that hosts unofficial mods of Nintendo games. In particular, Nintendo went after mods for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and Smash Bros. Ultimate.. This isn’t the first time Nintendo has made a move like this, and there’s no doubt it won’t be their last.

One modder hit with multiple DMCA takedowns was Waikuteru, and they’re apparently considering issuing a counter notice for Nintendo. The modder isn’t sure the takedowns are genuine, and a counter notice would give Nintendo 14 days to respond. If the counter notice is issued, we’ll make sure to keep an eye out for Nintendo’s response.

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1M ago


Don't know how to feel about an image I took being used for an article like this. I'm not happy about the situation myself but I'd prefer to lay low if they truly are doing this.