
Masahiro Sakurai has been working tirelessly on the Smash Bros. series, and it seems his efforts with Smash Bros. Ultimate kept him more busy than ever. Many fans wanted to see Sakurai take a nice, long break after wrapping up Ultimate, but it seems Sakurai is already working on something. Sakurai shared the following comments with Famitsu.

I have been away for awhile now, but I am working on something. My eyes may be a little tired. You may see me in the near future in a place that has nothing to do with game production. You may or may not be able to see me. I hope to see you again in the future. Thank you very much for your time.

Certainly very intriguing, right? What might Sakurai be doing? It seems whatever he’s up to might not be related to gaming. He also says we might not be able to see him. This is just speculation on my own part, but perhaps Sakurai is lending his voice to a project!

Whatever Sakurai is up to, we’ll just have to stay glued to his social media and hope he shares another tease soon.

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Comments (3)


2+ y ago

From the sounds of it, it seems kinda dark but I don't think that's the it?

captain n

2+ y ago

Just give us a new Kid Icarus game !!


2+ y ago

Exciting. I worship Smash but haven't played anything else from Sakurai except Kirby.