Fatal Frame, Silent Hill films in the works, says director

Better wear your diapers to the theater

08 June 2022
by rawmeatcowboy 0

The Silent Hill franchise has already seen two Hollywood movies made, and the Silent Hill franchise got a film adaptation in Japan. Now it seems these Konami brands are going to return to the silver screen once more.

Christophe Gans, director of Brotherhood of the Wolf and the original 2006 Silent Hill movie, let loose with this info in an interview with French film news site, Allocine. There’s no rumors or speculation here, as Gans flat-out confirms the projects.

I have two horror film projects with Victor Hadida. I am working on the adaptation of the video game Project Zero. The film will take place in Japan. I especially don’t want to uproot the game from its Japanese haunted house setting. And we’re also working on a new Silent Hill. The project will always be anchored in this atmosphere of a small American town, ravaged by Puritanism. I think it’s time to make a new one.

[Christophe Gans]

Konami is yet to officially announce Gans as being tied to these projects, or share any other details about them. As with any films, these projects could end up moving into theaters in a matter of years, or could be left to struggle in development hell for decades. Hopefully this a case of the former, and not the latter.

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