
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes is launching in less than two weeks, and it gives fans of the franchise a new spin-off adventure to enjoy. That said, what about the next, true installment in the Fire Emblem franchise? Rumor has it that’s already been completed, and it’s coming sooner than we think.

Emily Rogers, one of the biggest and most well-known Nintendo insiders, has shared rumored details on a brand-new Fire Emblem title, and it’s supposedly already wrapped development. Here are the details Emily shared.

  • new game with a brand-new story
  • collaboration between Intelligent Systems, Koei Tecmo and Gust
  • Gust heavily assisted with the visuals / graphics
  • graphics are an improvement over “Three Houses”
  • originally intended as an anniversary game to celebrate FE’s 30th anniversary
  • game has been finished for over a year
  • main character (main lord) has strange red and blue hair and his mother is a dragon
  • new “Emblems” gimmick allows players to summon “FE characters from the past”

Again, this is just rumored info for now, but as it’s coming from Emily Rogers, that certainly lends to its credibility.

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Emily Rogers, notoriously wrong on actual Nintendo info and only has "leaked" indie information, is somehow credible suddenly for something Nintendo related again? Is this person paying Nintendo sites to keep their name afloat? I just don't understand why, 10+ years since they first popped up lying for attention, we still give it to them.


2y ago

Emily Rogers, notoriously wrong on actual Nintendo info and only has "leaked" indie information, is somehow credible suddenly for something Nintendo related again? Is this person paying Nintendo sites to keep their name afloat? I just don't understand why, 10+ years since they first popped up lying for attention, we still give it to them.


2y ago


I have to agree. Is this Fire Emblem game sitting in the completed games vault, beside Metroid Prime HD, Metroid Prime Trilogy HD, Mother 3 to name just a few? All games that Emily has claimed were finished and ready to go. Some of the games they've claimed were ready to go back on Wii U, yet there's still nothing.

It seems to me for every bit they get right(some of their rumours are already in the ether), they get another dozen wrong. If this turns out to be true, I will give them due credit, because I haven't heard this before and the game is likely internally developed at Nintendo, making the leak harder to come by, unlike something like Mario + Rabbids where leaks probably came from Ubisoft.

Just to add, this time last year Emily claimed the Switch Pro was entering production in June. 🤭 They must spend a lot of time deleting their false Tweets.

Edited 1 time

I didn't even talk about the rumor itself hahaha. I 100% agree that it seems pretty absurd to think they are sitting on "another" finished game, and going by Nintendo's general release schedule of 1-2 games a month depending on the size of the game, for 4+ months. What's even more ridiculous is theyve talked about in the past how it could be "pushed back" to 2023 as far back as February this year. At that point, it's just baseless bullshit. I feel we all are expecting the next FE in 2023. Being the first to make up rumors about it doesn't suddenly make it insider knowledge when it's something we'd all guess, which seems to be their forte when it comes to "rumors". I feel Nintendo fans are the only ones who continuously fall for this sort of baseless rumor mongering to look important. It constantly happens in Nintendo communities.

Why does everyone keep referring to Emily as them. Emily is a girl’s name. Does she have two heads or something?


2y ago


Is this a real question? It's been pretty well established since forever that you just respectfully go with they when you're not familiar with the person. It's such a non-issue that it doesn't need to be brought up ever.


2y ago

If true, there goes the echoes remake of binding blade or blazing blade that i wanted....

if false, please go with another echoes!


2y ago

So this story has been updated here. It didn't state originally that Intelligent Systems were working with Koei Tecmo and Gust. That's where the information could have leaked from, providing the story is true in the first place. It's odd that screenshots supposedly from the game have now leaked within hours of this story. Who leaked those images? Can't imagine it was Emily, that would be asking for legal trouble.


2y ago


Looks like she got it right. Lol

How far back you gotta dig for this? It's cool it's right, and I've no problem with that. But digging real deep for shit like this isn't really necessary. Anyway, we got screenshots leaked like the next day. We, including myself here, already knew it wasn't fake at that point.

Edited 1 time