
Fortnite senior concept artist Gervasio Canda has quite the portfolio of concept art for the game online, and fans have been digging through it to see what they can find. Most of it showcases locations that have appeared in the game over the years, but the image above depicts an area that to date, hasn’t been featured in the battle royale.

Canda hasn’t commented on the above image, so we have no idea if this is concept art for something that’ll be added to Fortnite at some point, or if it represents an idea that was abandoned a long time ago. With the obvious Russian influences, it’s easy to see that Epic might have passed over these plans due to the current world climate.


If you’re a Fortnite fan, or simply someone who appreciates concept art, you should really dive into Canda’s portfolio. It shows a ton of drawings, paintings, and sketches for Fortnite seasons that have come and gone, and plenty of the pieces are downright gorgeous. You can find Canda’s portfolio here.

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