
It was certainly surprising to learn that No Man’s Sky is coming to Switch, which we found out via an announcement a few weeks back. Then today, we learned the game will get a physical release, and it’s set for launch on Oct. 7th, 2022. That’s yet another exciting thing to learn, but tucked away in that reveal was a very important tidbit.

According to the official No Man’s Sky website, the Switch version of the game will be single-player only at launch. To be more specific, the official Switch rundown states the following.

No Man’s Sky Switch Edition will launch as a single-player experience. As an award-winning live service game, the Switch Edition will continue to benefit from ongoing development post launch.

That would certainly seem to indicate that multiplayer is coming at some point down the line, but we have absolute no idea as to when that will be. Hopefully Hello Games shares a bit more insight into hte multiplayer side of things soon.

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