
Neon White is unique through and through, and that’s very much reflected in the game’s soundtrack. Neon White’s music has an unmistakable vibe and feeling, thanks to the work of Machine Girl, an electronic music duo.

In an interview with Kotaku, developer Ben Esposito talked a bit about working with Machine Girl’s Matt Stephenson to put the soundtrack together. Stephenson sent Esposito a Dropbox link filled with unfinished tracks, and Esposito dug into them to find out what might work and what wouldn’t fit.

After that grueling process, Esposito said that about 50% of the game’s soundtrack was built from songs that were in that Dropbox folder, and the other 50% were made from the ground-up. It’s pretty fitting that a game featuring a mash-up of genres includes a soundtrack that’s also an amalgamation of ideas.


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