
Digimon Survive is just two days away from launch. Fans of the Digimon franchise suffered through multiple delays to get to this point, so they’re no doubt extremely excited to dive in and see what the game has to offer. Bandai Namco is excited for players as well, but they want those players to keep their lips zipped when it comes to spoilers.

The official Digimon Games Twitter account has shared a message with followers about Digimon Survive, and it’s all about spoilers. The team is requesting that players refrain from sharing story spoilers that come after Chapter 5, and they’d like details kept under wraps for at least two months.

Bandai Namco obviously knows that some people won’t be able to resist sharing spoilers, so they ask for those people to clearly mark their posts on social media with spoiler warnings. You can see the request in full below.


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2y ago

What a good tagline for this story.