
Awhile back, Chucklefish announced that they’d be returning publishing rights for Stardew Valley to ConcernedApe, the creator of the game. The process has taken some time, but as of today, the last of the publishing duties has been passed off to ConcernedApe. That means going forward, ConcernedApe will be handling any/all publishing duties for Stardew Valley.

Back in 2018, ConcernedApe made the move to get publishing rights back for all versions of Stardew Valley, which turned into a 4 year process. ConcernedApe originally said they were reclaiming publishing rights due to having an interest in going independent with the title.

Over a year later, ConcernedApe released a short blog talking about accusations of unpaid labor at Chucklefish, a topic he learned about at same time the public did.

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2+ y ago

Honestly, this is great news for ConcernedApe. I'm sure working with a publisher took some work off his shoulders, but I think him being able to control his work is really important. He's put a lot of time and care into the game, and if I were him I wouldn't want that to be in anybody else's hands after becoming such a massive success. Seems he's learned some lessons publishing Stardew that will help him in his future projects.