
Digital Extremes is always looking to offer something new in Warframe, and the content they’re working on right now is some of the most unique yet.

One of the big things coming down Warframe’s pipeline is The Duviri Paradox, a brand-new expansion that will launch either late this year or early next. The team is looking to include a bunch of elements in this content that you don’t find anywhere else in Warframe, making for a very different adventure. To strive for that new feelings, the devs are pulling from one of Nintendo’s best games.

In an interview with Venturebeat, Rebecca Ford, creative director on Warframe, talked a bit about the puzzles you’ll find in The Duviri Paradox. Not surprisingly, the team is taking inspiration from a franchise that knows puzzles inside and out, The Legend of Zelda.

It’s really different for us. For the first time we’re like, okay, what can we put in an open world that will be a little activity that someone can do to get XP or get a perk or something for a given play session? We’re trying to seed the open world with little optional things people can do to contribute to perks for that play session.

We play a lot of open world games, and we’re trying to either make them feel as tight and simple as the Korok Seed puzzles from Breath of the Wild, or in the case of the quest one that you saw, where you have your younger mirror dimension self from a different time and place, that one is a very narrative-focused one. There’s a pretty big breadth of complexity. The quest one you saw is of course probably the top end complexity for the narrative, but we’re doing some other little ones just so a player can engage with it, unlock something on that run. Maybe they’ll get another role or boon that a player who didn’t engage with that didn’t get.

[Rebecca Ford, creative director on Warframe]

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