
We’ve heard all sorts of talk from every big name in gaming about the shortage of components necessary to create hardware. Nintendo is certainly included in that situation, and they shared some details on how they’ve been impacted in their latest fiscal report.

Nintendo noted that they’re having trouble creating enough hardware due to the shortage of semiconductor components, and this impacted the company’s bottom line. This is due to less hardware to sell and the cost of semiconductor components going up. That said, Nintendo does believe the situation is set to improve later this year.

You can read Nintendo’s statement on the semiconductor situation and Nintendo’s plans to remedy the situation below.

Due to delays in the procurement of components such as semiconductors this year, we have not been able to conduct production as planned. However, we expect procurement to gradually improve from late summer towards autumn, giving us a clearer outlook regarding production for the remaining calendar year. In preparation for the holiday season, we will leverage appropriate means of shipment, and work to deliver as many Nintendo Switch systems as possible to consumers in every region.

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2y ago

I hope supply issues do ease but in the grand scheme of things, Nintendos guess is as good as ours.